NOVEMBER 19th 2024

Holy moly what a whirlwind it's been eh? If you somehow don't already know, Lilith's Lair is out and available here, on Steam, and on Itch!
For now, aside from bugfixes, we're going to call it complete. A content update is not at all out of the question but don't hold your breath for it because it will at the very least be a good long while before that happens, since I'm going to be moving forward according to plan. The rest of November and December will be dedicated to working on and updating the comic Tales from the Burger Kingdom since that had to get put on a temporary hold while I finished up Lilith's Lair.
I'll of course also be keeping an eye out for any bugs people find and try my darndest to iron it all out for you fine folks.

What about animations?
They're coming back! However the form they will take is not yet confirmed.I don't wanna jump the gun too hard on them, so while I'm working on the comic I'll be planning how exactly I want to approach making them as well as audience involvement for the Kurger Combo tier (whether that be credits, polls, or whatever). The current projected month for their return is January of next year.

What's the next game?
Not a clue! I've decided that working on a full game while doing monthly animations just isn't realistic for how fast I can work, so for the time being I'm going to let my gears spin on what I wanna do games-wise while I do animations and comics! Only when I'm absolutely certain of my next move will I say anything (as is the norm for me).

Thank you all so much for making Lilith's Lair a reality! Here's to making more weird stuff! 🍻

NOVEMBER 11th 2024

Hey everyone! It's been a hot minute so I thought I'd give everyone a super quick update on how things are going!

Lilith's Lair progress: 98%
Weight gain / Stuffing minigames touch-ups are done!
They're very similar to the original minigames, the primary difference being that Bellagarth's body actually moves during them now.
I still need to work on just a little more sauce for the weight gain/stuffing route, I plan to add a few bonus slides that cap off the eating/drinking minigames (similar to the inflation and giantess route). That's what I'm working on right now, and they should be done in a few days.
I also intend to add a "gallery" as many people have requested (basically a way to revisit specific scenes and minigames without having to replay the whole game).
To be bluntly honest I have no idea if this is going to be smooth sailing or an utter nightmare to try and implement so it's possible the gallery will have to be a post-release addition, since it's not integral to the experience I want people to have with the game.
When the Itch/Steam keys are rolled out I will let everyone know, and they will be sent to the email you use with your Patreon account.

Thank you so much for your support! We've got a lot of cool stuff coming down the pipeline so keep your eyes peeled!

OCTOBER 27th 2024

Hey! So quick lil update now that we've got the game out!

Lilith's Lair progress: 95%
Game is out and playable now! (As I'm sure pretty much all of you know now lmao)
As I already mentioned before in the previous update the plan now is to do some touchups to the Weight Gain and Stuffing routes, such as better animations and some more cutscenes to go along with it! I have other features in mind that I'd like to add, but I don't want to make any promises I'm not certain on so we'll just have to see for now...
Once the game is properly complete I plan to release it on Steam and on Itch as well, and roll out some keys here to go with those releases so you don't have to pay for 'em!
STEAM AND ITCH KEYS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED VIA MASS EMAIL, WHEN I ANNOUNCE THEM MAKE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER! If you're curious about next steps after the full proper release of the game you can check out the previous update! Cliff notes version is that I'm going to be working on the comic exclusively for a bit, then moving back into doing short animations!
This year has been absolutely insane so far in the best way and I really have all of you to thank for it, Lilith's Lair and all these other things made under the Burger Kurger handle exist because of your support so if you like the game or any of my other stuff you should genuinely take some pride in that!

OCTOBER 15th 2024

Howdy howdy! I feel bad about the long silence so I just wanna throw everyone a super quick update so you all know how things are going!

Lilith's Lair progress: 90%
Progress is flowing very nicely and I'm inching incredibly close to the finish line on Lilith's Lair. I have one more minigame to complete, the credits section after that, and then the game will be ready to be posted up here for you guys to play!
The reason why I'm marking the game as 90% complete is that there's some touchups I want to do that will come after the game is released here on Patreon. Especially with the weight gain and stuffing routes since I had done those parts like 2 years ago now (yeesh!) and they feel a little lacking compared to the other routes, since my animation workflow wasn't as refined as it is now. The version you guys will get first will be basically like, 95% complete lol.
Again I don't want to give a hard release date but I'm sure you can guess by what I have left to do and my usual workflow that it should be available to play incredibly soon. If for whatever reason something gets in the way and slows me down I'll make sure to let you all know.

What's next?

As I mentioned before in a previous update doing games and cartoons simultaneously is something I've come to accept just doesn't work for me, both end up suffering in terms of production time and quality when I try to juggle both back-to-back. The only reason I've been able to keep the pace I have with Lilith's Lair lately is because I'm funneling almost all of my art time into it. If I was still doing animations simultaneously I'm certain the game would only be like, 50% complete by this point.
So the plan is after Lilith's Lair is done I'm going to take a "break" month where I'm going to focus all my time on Tales from the Burger Kingdom, then after that I'll be hopping back on doing animated shorts while I think of what I want to do for my next game. I do also have some life plans coming up next year that may end up diminishing my art time, I'll have to see how I handle it when that time comes and if adjustments will need to be made (lower membership prices, pause the Patreon, etc.)
You all have been extremely patient with me and I hope you know that your trust and faith in me is not taken for granted (sounds silly to be so serious about it but it's your money and it should be taken seriously!)
Lilith's Lair comin' soon!!

SEPTEMBER 26th 2024

Hey guys! Another update here to make sure everyone is in the loop on what's going on.

Lilith's Lair progress: 80%
The addition of the Jester and her minigames were not initially planned, as such they were not accounted for when I said the game was 70% complete lol, regardless I did finish all those portrait and dialogue sprites I said I needed to do in the previous update and also all of the Jester stuff is done as well so we're back on track and still making solid progress with the game!
The Jester has 4 different "parlor style" minigames to challenge the player with, as well as cutscenes of either weight gain or ass expansion depending on the route you take (you only get them if you beat her game though!)
Like last time with Visca, the plan is to roll out Steam Keys to everyone via email for the game, and preferably this time Itch io keys as well (I don't wanna stagger releasing it on Itch io like I did last time just cuz I know some folks don't wanna have a kink game in their steam library).

Overall the game is coming along really nicely and I'm very very excited now that I'm starting to see how the finished product is going to be. I think everyone will enjoy playing it as well! Huge thank you as always, I really could not be doing this without your support 🙏

SEPTEMBER 4th 2024

Another quick update for everyone!

Lilith's Lair progress: 70%
I have as of right now, 11 portrait sprites, 55 splash screens, and 5 minigames to make. After that it'll be the credits sprites for the Kurger Combo folks and packing it all up for you guys to play! It feels very close yet very far at the same time.
I don't wanna set a hard release date because I'm superstitious about that shit and I think saying my expected completion time out loud will make me miss it lol. Still thinking it'll be done sometime before the end of the year though.

Speaking of credits, I've also decided to add a little "news ticker" at the top of the homepage on the burgerkurger website that shows the names of the Kurger Combo patrons! Nothing too crazy, just a nice little bonus for you guys. I'll also be asking for credit sprite references from the newer Combo folks pretty soon here, once Lilith's Lair is looking to cross to finish line.
Completing Lilith's Lair ASAP is my laser focus goal right now, and because of that you might see a bit of a lull in the comic updates, you'll just have to have faith in me that the time is being spent on something that will come to fruition soon 🙏

Thank you all big style for your continued support, I'm fucking SUPER excited for people to get their hands on LL once it's done.

AUGUST 5th 2024

As of writing this Lilith's Lair is still a work in progress, I'd say over halfway done. 3 of 6 routes are completed (the other 3 are started and are roughly 1/3 complete), I'll also be going back and doing a little touch-up on some animations I'm not happy with. Projected completion is still around the end of 2024, I'd like to finish it sooner but we'll just have to see lol.

Tales from the Burger Kingdom is coming along nicely, it's currently looking to be about 50 or so pages total and is all plotted out (though I do tend to tweak things as I go). I will continue updating it as often as I can until the story is finished. As to whether I will start another "arc" I'm not sure, depends on the state of the Patreon by the time this one is done.

After doing this for a while and getting a feel for my workflow, I think doing both animations and game dev at the same time is just not really something I can do realistically. So going forward: If I'm working on a game project the animations stop, and if I'm working on animations there will be no running game project (maybe small "game jam" sized games, but no promise on that one).

I'd like to make sure that everyone is aware of the current state of things, so this post will stay pinned and I will be editing it to reflect whatever my game-plan is. As always, big fat thank you to everyone past and present supporting me here, none of this would be possible without you guys!! Luv u babies muah

FEBRUARY 20th 2024

Mini animations are going to be put on an indefinite pause, meaning that while I may bring them back some time later, I currently do not plan to make any more for a long while. The reason for this is same reason I switched from "shorts" to "minis" a while back, these things just take up too much of my time and I need to spend the majority of my working time on game development or these games will take way longer to complete than necessary.


While Kurger Combo patrons will still be credited in the games that I make, and will be voting in any democratic processes I have, I cannot guarantee that you guys will be seeing that benefit every month, so please take that into serious consideration if you're subbed primarily for the polls and/or seeing your name in the credits semi-regularly.

I really appreciate everyone's patience and understanding on this stuff, I know artists tend to be kind of flaky lol. I hope to fill the void of mini animations with some really kick-ass game dev stuff, so stick around for that if that sounds interesting to you, and if you were only here for the animations and want to dip, no hard feelings and thank you for supporting me up to now!